Kuya Kim & Celeb Moms Against Invisible Kulob Stains

It is never ok to wear clean clothes with “kulob” smell. This is believed to be cause by hanging clothes to dry indoors, when in truth, the damp smell is caused by invisible stains (malodor-causing microorganisms) on clothes.

Mariel Rodriguez Padilla, Say Alonzo, and Joy Sotto are just some of those people wishing for kulob smell to disappear. A new online video answers their wish, thanks to Kuya Kim Atienza laying down the facts behind the new Ariel, and how its latest formulation gives the deepest clean that keeps clothes free from invisible kulob stains that cause the malodor.

Invisible kulob stains? How exactly can you see them? How can you get rid of them? Watch Kuya Kim, Mariel, Say, and Joy remove those invisible kulob stains in this video:

While our clothes are washed and dried using a machines, no hanging needed and we can fold and keep them straight to the closets, we always make sure they are cleaned well. More so with work out clothes and some delicate pieces that I need to hand wash and hang to dry.

Fighting Against Invisible Kulob Stains with Ariel

Sorting out delicate clothes for hand washing

It is a relief that those invisible stains can now be efficiently cleaned by Ariel’s innovative formula that removes malodor problems. Now, rain or shine, we can have clean and fresh-smelling clothes that felt very nice to put-on and wear all day.

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