Fat-Burning Abs Exercises Without the Crunches!

Abdominal exercises help burn fat and flatten those belly bulges. But since I’m not a fan of sit-ups, doing these exercises is not fun at all! I was so happy and excited when I saw these tummy-toning moves that I have to compile them in one article. These are multi-muscle exercises that target all the regions of the core — upper and lower abs, obliques, and lower back muscles.

Just perfect to burn major calories after the holiday carboloading and to start trimming the waistline for summer! Combining these exercises with regular cardio workout, like running, and clean eating will help keep flat abs throughout the year.

Here’s a compilation of the exercises. The first set of routines here do not require any equipment. Some needs resistance band (a scarf or a towel will do if you do not have one), a set of dumbbells or a barbel.

Planking Frog Tucks

Planking Frog TucksWall SideBridge opposite arm-leg reach |Teaser | Donkey kickbacks | Scale Pose | Boat pose | Abdominal Hold | Opposite Arm and Leg Raise |
Squat Thrust with Twist | Ballet Twist | The Single-Leg Stretch | The Cobra | Supine Twist | Windshield wiper

WH Resistance Band Bent Over

Band Bent-Over Row | The Climb Up

Ana Caban's Belly Blaster

Pushup Row | Curl to Squat to Press | Cross-Behind Lunges | Squat Thrust | Overhead Split Squat | Ana Caban’s Belly Blaster

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