For a Better (Breastfeeding) Philippines

I met Dr. Lei last August through a common friend last August in Dr Jack Newman’s Breastfeeding Uncovered seminar. She is involved with Unang Yakap (Essential Intrapartum and Newborn Care) advocacies and it is her desire is to help train more health workers to provide adequate and accessible breastfeeding support.

With her dream of helping improve health outcomes for Filipino babies, she and Dr. Kathy Villegas-Reyes sent her project proposal to Grand Challenges Canada. Grand Challenges Canada is funded by the government of Canada and is dedicated to supporting bold ideas with big impact in global health.

Grand Challenges Canada

Proposal:  Lactation clinics that will provide a low-cost, accessible, evidence-based and community-based breastfeeding support for mothers. Increasing the rate of exclusive breastfeeding impacts newborn and infant survival.

I hope all, not just breastfeeding moms and advocates, will support this cause. Good luck and congratulations Dr. Lei Camiling-Alfonso, I hope soon, we will get more support and full implementation of the breastfeeding law in the country.

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