Time for Toddler Fluoride Toothpaste

We started with fluoride-free toddler toothpaste but when Gab turned 2, his pedia recommended that we switch to fluoride toothpaste.  Developing toddler teeth can benefit from a little fluoride as this mineral prevents tooth decay. It  strengthens tooth enamel, making it more resistant to acids and bacteria. Fluoride can be sourced from water, some fruit juices but the main source is toothpaste.

Our pedia is not particular at recommending a particular brand whether it’s for bath soap, lotion or toothpaste. She usually provides options depending on what her patients want – organic, natural, etc. And most of the time, it’s me who do the research and consult with her if it’s ok to use a particular brand I’m eyeing.

Toothpaste can do a lot more than just clean the teeth. Depending on the type you choose, it can help fight off cavities, strengthen teeth, and even remove stains. Gab knows how to spit and rinse his mouth and so it’s time for us to check for toddler toothpaste with fluoride. With the overwhelming choice in the supermarket, I decided to get the European toothpaste brand, Fluocaril which is formulated for toddler’s milk teeth. This 40g tube costs around Php 60+.

Fluocaril Kids Toothpaste Review

What we love about Fluocaril Toddler Fluoride toothpaste:

– It has the Kids 2-6 formula specially made for milk teeth
– Made from all-natural strawberry flavor. It has another variant with banana flavor.
– Smell and flavor is gentle for a toddler that is not used to the scent and taste of a strong toothpaste (Yes, I tried brushing with this before Gab uses it)
– Not too foamy when brushing

Since we only need a smaller than a pea size amount for brushing, I hope the opening will be smaller for better control of the contents.

Fluocaril Kids Toothpaste

Earth’s Best vs Fluocaril Toddler Fluoride

As dentists say, most toothpastes are equally effective but I’m still on a lookout for ones with natural ingredients and away from those with chemical compounds that are not safe in the long run use. Visiting a dentist regularly is still one of the best ways to maintain proper oral health and I’m glad Gab likes going to the dentist to have his teeth checked. No cavities for him and we are happy about it!


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