Myra Holistic Skin Care: Healthy & Beautiful Skin from Within

Studies show that in order to keep a healthy, young-looking and glowing skin, you have to have a healthy lifestyle. This means that you take care of your body as a whole instead of just purely applying facial creams and lotions. Holistic skin care should include getting enough sleep, engaging in regular exercises, hydrating properly and getting the right nutrients from a healthy diet.

Since everything we eat becomes a part of not only our inner being, but the outer fabric of our body as well, the healthier the foods that we consume, the better your skin will look.

Vitamins E and many other vitamins (C, A, K, and B complex) can all help improve skin health. Among the most important new dermatologic discoveries is the power of vitamins to counter the effects of sun exposure.

The ideal way to get the nutrients you need for a radiant complexion is eating a healthy, balanced diet. To boost your nutrient intake if you’re not eating a balanced diet or if you are not sure if you are getting the right amount in food, it is suggested to take over-the-counter supplement. When doing so, make sure to check the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) including the vitamin E you get from both the food you eat and any supplements you take.

According to WebMd: Supplementation with natural Vitamin E in 400 mg (max) per day has been noted to reduce photo damage, wrinkles and improve skin texture.

Myra Holistic Skin Care - Myra Capsule

For supplements, you can check out Myra Capsule available in drugstores, department stores and supermarket.

Reminder from the Myra Team:

When thinking of beautiful skin, remember this formula: your creams and lotions + a healthy lifestyle + healthy cells = healthy, youthful-looking, and glowing skin. Make sure that you take care of your skin from within with Myra Holistic Skin Care.

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